Gender pay gap data

Since its foundation in 1992, FARA Charity Shops has recruited staff of both sexes, one of the Company’s core values being the promotion of equality, inclusion, and diversity.

FARA Enterprises Limited (FEL) is the trading arm and wholly owned subsidiary of the FARA Foundation Ltd. ( Charity No: 1139349). FEL operates shops in London in order to raise funds to support the charitable aims of the FARA Foundation in Romania. Since its foundation in 1992, FEL has recruited staff of both sexes, one of the Company’s core values being the promotion of equality, inclusion, and diversity. All members of staff regardless of their age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief, race, or gender reassignment will be supported and encouraged to perform to their full potential. FEL actively promotes from within and is committed to providing all staff with equal opportunities skills development through training and support, flexibility in performing their duties, and reward to help them do just that.

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap Data

This report covers the gender pay gap data for the 12 months to April 2023 and has been calculated using the pay data of over 243 staff.

Median (middle)Mean (average)
Gender Pay Gap3.0%13.9%
Gender Pay Gap – Casual staff-0.2%0.1%
Gender Pay Gap – Full-time staff2.0%18.0%

*The UK national median gender pay gap in 2023 is 14.43%, part-time -3.3%, full-time 7.7%

The FEL median average is 3.0% which indicates what the typical situation is within FEL and shows a marginal difference between male and female staff. At the same time, the mean average indicates that male staff are paid on average 13.9% more. FEL no longer pays bonuses to any members of staff instead focusing on ensuring that all members of staff when it can afford to do so are paid a decent living wage as a minimum considered to be the London Living Wage.

In common with many charity and Third Sector organisations, FEL shops are predominantly staffed by female staff whilst many of the shop servicing and support functions including warehouse and property maintenance are carried out by male staff. As of 5th April 2023 female staff accounted for 85.2% of total staff with 12 female staff filling senior support roles within FEL. Of the remaining 14.8% male staff, 11 are

employed in the various warehouse and property maintenance roles with another 4 employed in senior support roles and the remaining 24 employed in various retail roles. The entry-level positions in the shops both full-time and part-time attract the lowest salaries and are predominantly filled by female staff.

FEL regularly reviews salaries for the roles it employs and benchmarks those salaries against the median of the sector and that is the salary that will be paid to the employee who occupies the role.

FEL expressly seeks applications for all roles from a wide range of people and, to remove any potential bias from the application stage will look to explore blind applications.

Throughout all aspects of recruitment, training & development, salary, and reward structures FEL will adopt a transparent approach that promotes gender pay equality at every level of the organisation.

Updated gender pay gap figures will be published on the FEL website on an annual basis.

Pay Quartiles                                                      

The pay quartiles confirm that a significant proportion of staff are female and part-time and are at both the lower rates of pay but equally hold the salaried and more senior positions within FEL.

The proportion of males and females in each quartile pay band.

Quartile 1(Highest paid)23.3%76.7%
Quartile 216.4%83.6%
Quartile 39.8%90.2%
Quartile 4(Lowest paid)14.8%85.2%

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