FARA Social Worker

10 years working with FARA

Andreea’s story of life working as a Social Worker on FARA’s Tackling Poverty Through Education programme.

In 2010 I started working with FARA in Suceava County, Romania as a volunteer helping deliver support to the children living in the forgotten, rural villages. I was inspired by FARA’s mission and when they started a pilot programme in Baia, a tiny commune with families living in abject poverty I wanted to help and use my Social work qualification in a practical and meaningful way.

Working on the ground for FARA, I met children and their families who live on the edge of society. Living in tiny broken down, two room houses without running water or electricity, without access to medical care and transport links, without access to education due to a lack of money to pay for shoes for the children to wear to school, without food and supplies.

How can we make a change?

I can see how desperate the situation is for so many.

The families my team and I work with want to break the cycle of poverty and give their children a better future. We work to give to these families the tools to help themselves, to give them the self worth to want to support their children and make easier lives for them.

For me offering care and support to the children and their families to support themselves is a mission. I believe in creating a relationship with our beneficiaries to enable them to make good life choices.

Every child should live in safety and be able to access education and care. Every family should be supported to keep their children safe and nurture them to have a successful future.

Andreea helping families in need
I am committed to the work of FARA because every day I see the impact of the FARA family on these forgotten people and it gives me hope and drives me onwards.
Andreea, FARA Programme Manager, Tackling Poverty Through EducationHelp by donating to our appeal

The work we do

Why we are here

FARA reaches out to Romania’s poorest families, the marginalised and excluded in society, meeting the needs of children with disabilities and young people at risk of homelessness. Giving security and love, fulfilling lives, rebuilding futures and spreading hope.

Who we help

FARA is today one of the largest and most experienced care providers in Romania, giving support to vulnerable children and adults, youth at risk, those with learning disabilities, as well as families and their communities.

Romanian house

30 years of FARA

30 years of transforming the lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged living in Romania’s poorest communities by offering a family-centred model of care.