Youth at risk
Independent life and work skills for institutionalised and at-risk youth
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit and impacted both the way services could be delivered by Fundatia FARA, the UK charity’s partner organisation in Romania, and how funds could be raised in the UK. All international travel was stopped, movement across both Romania and the UK was restricted and the UK charity shops were closed.
Both the UK and Romanian organisations followed their Government’s guidelines and put in place a response to the pandemic that would protect beneficiaries and staff whilst maintaining a necessary level of care.
The UK board were informed of the impact on services in Romania and the response made to continue delivering support and care to the beneficiaries.
During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 FARA delivered 1,450 food support packages to families in our Tackling Poverty Through Education programme.
We worked closely with our teams in Romania to monitor and respond to the development of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our main concern was for the protection of the children, young people, and families we work with as well as our staff and their families.
The government guidelines in Romania were strictly adhered to, isolating where necessary to protect vulnerable groups of people, working remotely where possible. Our residential services have restricted access and strict hygiene protocols in place, mitigating risks to health as far as we are able.
Fundatia FARA continued providing services by developing and implementing new ways of supporting the families of children who normally access our daycentres. Children and their families on our TPTE programme received support packages of food and hygiene products and were helped to access services and education materials for their children in the form of tablets and educational support packs.
Our commitment to supporting our direct beneficiaries and their families remains strong. The global crisis will put more strain on so many of those in our care who struggle to survive and thrive. It is vital that as an organisation we continue to build ways to protect families and communities at this time of need.
Independent life and work skills for institutionalised and at-risk youth
Therapy and special needs education for children with disabilities from poor families.
Loving and supportive family life for vulnerable and neglected children.