His Majesty King Charles III Continues as Royal Patron of FARA

We are pleased to confirm that after a review of thousands of patronages, His Majesty King Charles III has graciously decided to continue his role as the Royal Patron of FARA.

The King first became involved with FARA in the early nineties, after witnessing firsthand the grinding poverty faced by the Romanian people. The then Prince of Wales was keen to help and, in the years that followed, played a crucial role in FARA being able to raise vital funds.

Since His Majesty officially became our Royal Patron in the early 2000s, he has shown unwavering commitment to our cause.  In his video message recorded for our 30th anniversary, he said “I am enormously proud of the fact that today FARA is one of the largest and most experienced NGO care providers in Romania, reaching out to the poor, marginalised and those most discriminated against.”

You can watch the video in full HERE.

Libby Gordon, FARA UK Chief Executive, said: “On behalf of the FARA Foundation, staff and trustees, I would like to extend heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many years of support we have been given by His Majesty King Charles III. The news of the King’s continued patronage has been welcomed by everyone both in the UK and Romania, where Fundatia FARA is our partner and service provider, and we are grateful for its continuation.”

Our mission has always been to transform the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged children and families in Romania, and we are honoured to have His Majesty’s ongoing support. Please join us in extending our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for his many years of support to FARA and the Romanian people.

FARA Royal Patron, the Former Prince of Wales visits locals in Romania with FARA Founder Jane Nicholson